If you are unable to connect to your SlingStudio device, there are a few items to check first, starting with the basics:
- Make sure that your SlingStudio device is properly powered up, either by being plugged into a properly functioning AC outlet, or by connecting it to a SlingStudio Battery.
- Remember that it takes about two minutes for the SlingStudio to finish powering up.
- When the SlingStudio is ready, the blue LED band glows steadily.
- Make sure that your iPad has its Wi-Fi connected to the SlingStudio device’s hotspot.
- If the SlingStudio LED band is glowing solid blue, then check if you can see its Wi-Fi hotspot listed on your iPad or other device (such as an iPhone using the SlingStudio Capture app).
- If you are still not able to connect to your SlingStudio device, then restart it by pressing/holding the Power button for 3 seconds to power it down, waiting 10 seconds, and then pressing the power button to power it back up again.
- If none of this works, perform a reset. (This does not erase the data on the media card, unless you choose to do that.)
- Press a straightened paperclip for 10 seconds into the SlingStudio Reset hole, until the LED band blinks orange.
- When the LED band glows steadily orange, use the SlingStudio Console app to connect to the SlingStudio hotspot.
- Follow the onscreen directions to reset the device.
- Take care to choose the right option! You can reset the SlingStudio and erase your data, or just reset the SlingStudio while keeping your data.
- If you are still having trouble, contact SlingStudio customer support.